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Return On Investment Study

světlovody lightway   ›   Commercial Spaces   ›   Return On Investment Study

Raises turnover in your shop by 40%?

And the results of the study? Customers are happier to buy in places where there is sunlight rather than in places where goods are illuminated by lamps throughout the day. How do employees look when they spend the whole day under artificial light? Are they pleasant or grumpy? How’s their performance when they aren’t too happy to work under lamps the whole day?

Lightway light pipes mean not only electricity savings, this study shows, carried out for the needs of one chain of stores which is considering lighting their shop floors with sunlight delivered by Lightway light pipes. And why? Lower bills on electricity consumption. Higher turnover on the sales floor thanks to the influence of sunlight. Lower rate of illness and employee absence thanks to healthy sunlight. Lower expenses for maintenance and replacing of electric lights.

And why?

  • Lower bills on electricity consumption.
  • Higher turnover on the sales floor thanks to the influence of sunlight.
  • Lower rate of illness and employee absence thanks to healthy sunlight.
  • Lower expenses for maintenance and replacing of electric lights.

When all of these factors are taken into consideration, the return on investment of Lightway light pipes is lower than 5 years.

Case Study

Metro Group Case Study

Contributes to the removal of incidence of tired eyes from electric lights, renewal of vision quality, and limiting the development of illnesses from artificial lighting.

Download study here

Key Facts

Using Lightway light pipes brings not only lower bills on electricity for lighting the sales floor, but also increases traffic on the sales floor. What is the influence of sunlight on buying behavior in a store? And what is the influence of sunlight on people’s behavior?

Key Facts






*Povinný údaj

Chápeme, že chcete vědět cenu, protože cena je důležitá. Firmy, které Vám chtějí pouze prodat světlovod, Vám dají ceník. Lidem, kterým záleží na tom, aby Vaše místnost měla dostatek denního světla, se Vás nejdříve zeptají na Vaše představy a požadavky a až potom Vám navrhnou správný světlovod, sdělí jeho cenu a vy se sami rozhodnete. Stejně tak postupujeme i my. Vyplňte tak níže uvedený formulář a my Vás budeme obratem kontaktovat.

Chci vědět cenu světlovodu





*Povinný údaj

Chápeme, že chcete vědět cenu, protože cena je důležitá. Firmy, které Vám chtějí pouze prodat světlovod, Vám dají ceník. Lidem, kterým záleží na tom, aby Vaše místnost měla dostatek denního světla, se Vás nejdříve zeptají na Vaše představy a požadavky a až potom Vám navrhnou správný světlovod, sdělí jeho cenu a vy se sami rozhodnete. Stejně tak postupujeme i my. Vyplňte tak níže uvedený formulář a my Vás budeme obratem kontaktovat.

Video - 7 tips when choosing lightpipe

We have prepared a video series for You „7 things You should know when choosing a lightpipe“ For sending all 7 videotips only need to disclose Your email: 7 things You should know when choosing a lightpipe

